Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, visited Japan this Sunday and met Prime minister Suga and Tokyo Governor Koike, and confirmed that Tokyo Olympics will be held as scheduled next year.
According to an opinion poll conducted by the ANN, 1/3 of Japanese welcome the opening of the Olympics next summer but I haven't met anyone who is longing for it around me in Tokyo area, except for politicians. Vaccination availability for everyone all over the world is a reasonable condition to have Olympics opening in our common sense, I think. Is it possible to prepare a tremendous amount of vaccines by next summer? We only have 6 months. Moreover, vaccines are still under development. To me, it seems very difficult to make all this happen in time with or without the best effort of every expert.
Imagine, what if the coronavirus is going around next summer in Japan. Do you feel like visiting here? On the contrary, how would you feel if you are made to welcome many people from other areas where coronavirus pandemic is still in place to your country? Which means, it is essential to hold the Olympics when there is zero coronavirus pandemic area anywhere in the face of the planet earth, I think.
Personally, I simply don't understand why they decided to carry on under current conditions. What for? Economical reason? If our government bulls through their decision, it could be the biggest disgraceful event of entire human history as the generator of Olympic size of mega cluster.