The nation-wide 3 weeks intensive infection prevention campaign had ended with defeat this Wednesday. The average new cases per day in Japan had increased from approximately 2,000 to 2,500 within period. Unlike the second wave in summer, the condition isn't good as dry air spreads viruses easily in winter. In Tokyo, the medical capacity had reached the most severe level just two days ago. Some hospitals are under a hard situation to do both general medical treatment and corona treatment at the same time.
Additionally, messages from the government are even more chaotic because they recommend both staying home and going on travel. Recently, they have finally decided to suspend "travel campaign" that encourages people going trip with public financial supports. Although I know that our government reflects the opinions of everyone who may have a completely different standing point, and these opinions might be contradictory to each other, some people may be confused and behave inappropriately.
Usually, we have long winter holiday approximately for 7 to 10 days for before and after the new years day. Therefore, many offices, restaurants, factories, and schools are to close for this long holiday. Furthermore, this year, our government recommends taking longer holiday. Actually, I think, this is the very powerful prevention measure.
In Japan, it seems that we will get started to have vaccination from next March. Thank you for developing vaccines rapidly. We now see some lights at the end of tunnel!