The new case confirmed these-days has been pretty much the same concerning COVID-19 in Japan. Although we still have same issue with Corona, we have got a nation-wide sized news. With the new prime minister of Japan, Suga cabinet launched on Sep. 16 supported by a high approval rate, 74%, after the former PM Abe had declared his will to resign from his position on Aug. 28. Our new 99th PM is Yoshihide Suga, 71-years-old, who had supported the Abe cabinet as a chief cabinet secretary for 8 years. In his first speech as PM, he stated that he will take over the policy of the former cabinet. This pose of him is actually presented as he has chosen the existing members of the former cabinet, 8 of total 13.

When I heard this news, I started to wonder about those individuals in their new role, including career and others. One of the things I've thought about is the average age, which is considerably high, 60.4. I think this is one of the characteristics of the new cabinet. I think this is one of the characteristics of the new cabinet, but it surely was a kind of surprise to me. Even we had this as a family topic for a while. At first, we were surprised that they, 8 re-appointments, were far older than we thought because they look more energetic than ordinary seniors that we know. While we realize that our new cabinet members were actually in the senior generation, we started getting worried that they truly would take care of the younger generation from the bottom of the heart? Would they be able to understand new IT technologies and have real experience of using them? Japan cannot probably prosper without the use of IT technologies proficiently, I think. I just hope they have bright and young specialist as their brain members in their back.

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