What do you drink at your workplace? Coffee, Tea or Soda? Have you imagined how much plasticware is used or carbon dioxide is emitted to manufacture these products and bottles of them?
I'd like to do something to contribute to environmental issues.
I was moved by a speech for environmental issues at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York in 2019. The speaker was Ms. Greta Thunberg, 16-years-old, the same age as my daughter. It is the age that wants to be idle a lot, isn't it? Her speech was kind of bashing adults doing not good regarding environmental issues. However, I was moved by this girl's speech, even though not a few people said she was unrealistic. She was just honest, and to the point, in a sense, I think. Also, it's part of our responsibilities that we made that girl deliver that speech.
What is the simple and effective thing we can do today? Here is my advice. Let's bring our thermos to your office in order to reduce plastic trash and unnecessary manufacturing process.
It's good for your health and wallet.
What's your favorite drink? Coffee, tea, or green tea? You can make them easily using tea bags at home. Just pour boiled water into your thermos with your favorite tea bag. You may add sugar or something as you like. It's good for your health because you can literally, see how much sugar you take. Sometimes, you don't know how much sugar you take when you drink soft drinks, do you? If you want to make a cold one, cold brew tea bags are convenient.
It costs less than a dollar per thermos. Your efforts will be rewarded.