Against all my wishful thinking, new cases have been spiked rocket high in Japan. Most people in Japan had a long holiday approximately for 7 to 10 days including new year's day. During this time, it seems like quite a few Japanese enjoyed their holidays in crowded places with many people gathering, lot closer than social distance. My image was that most people in Japan fought against coronavirus by stay-home behavior during the long holiday. I guess, it wasn't the case.
In this holiday, I spent a lot of time at home. And to help the Japanese economy, I ordered many Japanese products online and bought luxury foods like Wagyu beef, Japanese beef at the supermarket from the budget originally set to use for going out during the holiday time. But it turned out that my type of people are much less than actually needed.
A state of emergency was declared in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa on January 7 at the second time. In this declaration, we are requested to refrain from any nonessential and non-urgent outings after 8:00 pm. I would be convinced if this restriction is applied only for busy streets. But since my residential area is not crowded after 8:00 pm and never crowded before 8:00 pm, so it does not make any sense at all. As it seems ridiculous enough to people who does not go main streets, we can break this rule without getting any punishment. Because, believe or not, this is just a recommendation without legal bases.
This state of emergency has just started. And it's a three-day weekend from today. I have no idea how other people will behave. Me? Stay at home as usual, work from my home office!