I have been working from home since the coronavirus pandemic started. The other day, I had to renew my cellphone contracted by my company and change carrier to Docomo at the same time. I never expected any troubles because Docomo should be the most trustable carrier in Japan according to many people. Unfortunately, that robust reputation of Docomo didn't apply to my case. It turned out that I realized there is poor reception trouble at my home. While there is no trouble at the company office in Tokyo. How bad? I would say it was bad enough to make me deeply regret that I changed the carrier from au to Docomo.
My room used for work is facing the north side and surrounded by closely built apartments. Originally, it's not a good reception from this room. I should have been more careful when I got a request to change carrier from my company because they never know the environment of my room and are only aware of the environment of its office in Tokyo. If I could really thought about it thoroughly, I should have expected. But for a about full month, I couldn't make any calls from my room, in reality.
After numerous contacts and communication with person in charge, after about a month, the problem has been solved! Docomo lends me a repeater, which amplifies and transmits radio signals, and allows me to install it at home even though the contract isn't personal. It seems like that the similar trouble like mine is happening throughout Japan. The repeater has given me very clear telephone voices and requested huge space, in my tiny room. I don’t have any complaints!