I'm an office worker and living in the Tokyo-metro area. Although the Japanese government demanded us to stay home, but the number of new patients has been incr...
We don't use cash these days as much as before. The most common cashless payment method is a credit card, such as VISA and MASTER, and a debit card isn't popula...
Nowadays, I see some men delivering and carrying food in a characteristic box printed "Uber Eats" in Tokyo. Finally, this service has started in our living area...
Hina-matsuri is held on March 3rd, a day to pray for the health and happiness of young girls. Special dolls, Hina-Ningyo dolls, are displayed at this event, so ...
I have been believed that only women give chocolates to men on Valentine’s Day before knowing the original valentine in western culture. The common sense of Jap...
Do you know the food bringing good luck when you eat silently without stopping and facing the specified direction on this day? This sushi roll is called Eho-mak...
“Daruma Doll” is a traditional Japanese tumbler doll representing Bodhidharma, an Indian Buddhist saint in the sixth century. The doll is a lucky charm as a sym...
I attended it a long time ago! Nowadays, it's a precious national holiday on the 2nd Monday of January every year. Whenever I hear that some new adult caused re...
Most of the children in Japan look forward to New Year's wishes from their parents, grandparents, and other relatives. On the other hand, the adults who are in ...
What do you drink at your workplace? Coffee, Tea or Soda? Have you imagined how much plasticware is used or carbon dioxide is emitted to manufacture these produ...